Tuesday, December 5, 2017

the Annotated Sons of God, Issue 7

Issue 7 July 2014 Special Stephen King Issue: (somewhere close to the beginning of the end); “That moment just before you start…” (or, “The finest emotion”)
story and art by jp 2  issue #6 june 2014 copyright Bathtub Comics (sons of god comic book, on facebook)  
Deadly Virtue III: charity (converse vice: greed)  slogan “A Charity case/Charity begins at home!”
Animal: Frog
Virtue colors  gold/saffron
number of souls in heaven: 143997
disclaimer/ credits: Disclaimer: no ceaselessly brilliant, endlessly inventive authors or their kin were harmed in the making of this book, or indeed anywhere in this multiverse.
(But there are other worlds than these...)
Art and Story by JP2    Copyright 2015 Bathtub Comics  issue #7 july  Find “sons of god comic book” on facebook, or on the infernalnet sonsofgodcomicbook.com
Title Logo: the next letter to be changed is the “G” in God: it is turned into the very recognizable “Yin Yang Symbol”, which represents dark/bright, positive/negative, etc. and is used as a symbol for Taoism1
 Front Cover We love Stephen King, the books, the movies, the person and the persona: he is a flawed, real human being, like all of us… unlike all of us, he is (in my mind) our greatest living author. His creativity, the beauty of his language and his imagery, all are off the charts. He is like the Beatles for sheer awesomeness (if the Beatles kept writing for 40 years…) Plus, people may not realize all the charity him and Tabby do, on a daily basis, for causes all around the world, but specifically for the people of their home (our home, Bangor). He is always there when people need help, for repairing the library or the hospital or for heating help in the winter, or for many many quiet causes that you only hear about from friends: the Kings don’t want it all in the papers. Sooooo, of course we had to do a Special Stephen King Issue! WooHOO! Now, some people don’t understand why, when I genuinely admire someone or something, I would tear it apart, skewering it mercilessly… well, I tease because I love, I guess. I have learned this over the years, when people take offense to jokes about themselves, their homes, famous people, their jobs, whatever: I think it is from my upbringing (in Pittsburgh) where we tease anybody and anything about whatever, whenever…
With that in mind… the front cover is the front of Stephen King’s house in Bangor. To the left there is a cool frog statue (I think it represents Mark Twain’s famous jumping frog), while in the background you can see “the shadow man”. We will learn inside who this scary silhouette is…
Another echo back to the Tower in NYC, the brass plaque here mentions just 3 of the MANY charities the Kings run or founded, without fanfare: the Barking Foundation (educational grants to children in need)2 ; the Haven Foundation (for severely injured or ill artists and writers) 3 ; and The Stephen and Tabitha King Foundation (helping Maine towns with community based initiatives) 4
Front inner Sleeve  This is page 12 from issue 6, without words
Page 1 Jojo draws portraits of people from his head… and they capture the person better than a photograph or a tracing could! This page is on yellow legal pad paper, because Uncle Stevie uses them all the time, sometimes for writing stories, sometimes to keep characters straight, etc. (Eyes of the Dragon, Dream Catcher, etc.)
So get ready, this issue is FULL of Stephen King quotes and lines from novels, and especially from “On Writing” King’s generous book of advise and How To Write…:
“close to the end of the beginning” is from the Gunslinger (Dark Tower book 1)
You can see SK getting ideas from the outlines of several Bangor landmarks  (that have found their ways into SK’s books: they’re easier to see on the next page.) He’s thinking about an evil coming up 95 N to Maine.
SK: “The scariest moment is just before you start”
SK “I recognize terror as the finest emotion and so I will try to terrorize the reader. But if I find that I cannot terrify, I will try to horrify, and if I find that I cannot horrify, I'll go for the gross-out. I'm not proud. ”
SK “There are other worlds than these.” (from The Gunslinger)
Page 2 Panel 1 and 2: The state is broken into 2 parts here, in panels 1 and 2: southern maine is all fancy with beautiful, hopeful promising signs, and northern Maine is more real-life, with broken-down home-made signs that only grasp at daily realities. Panel one has actual Maine welcome signs that you see when you drive into southern Maine from NH, etc, into the Portland area: “Maine: the way life should be” and “Welcome to Vacationland”
But we draw a big distinction between Portland, and the rest of the state: “Rich, white, young, and terminally hip”. Apartment prices are astronomical in Portland. We see the inverse coloring for the real Stephen King Universe towns further north (up “Infernalstate 95”) where the signs instead say “Vacations ovah, chummy…” (don’t let anyone tell you “chummy” is a cute friendly word: it’s not. It means they don’t like you…) and the other sign says “DERRY, always wicked/ nahmal./yessah” (Yessah is a REAL Maine expression used almost exclusively between 2 Mainers, usually preceded by “Theyah”). Derry is, of course, Stephen Kings pseudonym for Bangor (not sure why he insists on that, when it’s clear from every description and landmark, and he mentions other real towns, but theyah…)
This whole page is based on a quote by Stephen King, about Bangor and Portland: it’s from George Breahm’s excellent book “The Stephen King Companion”, and in an interview with Tony Magistrale king says:  There was Portland, and there was Bangor. Tabby wanted to go to Portland, and I wanted to go to Bangor because I thought Bangor was a hard-ass working-class town- there’s no such thing as nouvelle cuisine once you’re north of Freeport. – and I thought that the story, the big story that I wanted to write, was here. I had something fixed in my mind about bringing together all my thoughts on monsters and the children’s tale, “Three Billy Goats Gruff”, and I didn’t want it to be in Portland, because Portland is a kind of yuppie town.”
Panel 3 The buildings from left to right: the “NEW” Franklin Laundry (where King worked to support his family, and where he thought up “The Mangler”); the Bangor Public Library (featured in “It”; Paul Bunyan (also from “It”); the Thomas Hill Standpipe (also from “It”); and a boarded-up MacDonalds… why a boarded up MacDonalds? I’m damned if I can remember… maybe it will come to me…it could have been from his plane ride where Ronald MacDonald came and sat next to him. 5 or maybe it’s just the MacDonalds on Main St where my daughter had her first job. Or maybe just an old beat-up town where the finest restaurant on Main St. is a MacDonalds… but my favorite part is the sign “Derry: It’s Home”… the apostrophe REALLY changes the meaning… (“It” is home? “It”’s Home? It is “home”?)

Page 3  Panel 1 the map is pretty accurate, and Cedar and Sanford St marks where King’s first real apartment home was with Tabby and the babies… that railroad bridge where the Kenduskeag Stream ends is real and super cool: it has amazing old steam-punk giant gears and iron and steel parts underneath and a weird island made from trees and poles…
Panel 2 in King’s story he is trying to write, Carl Bobson climbs up on the bridge to jump into Leviathan’s mouth with the heart of a child missing from a small Maine town (like the kids in It).
Panel 3 “soon the zestful zygotes… every sewer and toilet” this is from King’s book “On Writing” where King describes an early influence, Science Fiction writer Murray Leinscter, and his hilarious reliance on the word “Zestful” (heroes sit down to dinner on a spaceship with Zestful anticipation…). King boasts that he has never used the word “Zestful” once, so we have him get his money’s worth of “Zestful” in this comic!
The toilet-centric humor is a jab at Dreamcatcher, and it’s unblinking obsession with bathroom adventures gone very wrong. 6
Page 4 panel 1 this is the actual words to the story Stephen is working on. I actually printed them out and crumpled them up for several pages in this issue
Panel 2   “Zestfully…” Heck yeah!  Clown jammies… of course…
Two of these crumpled pages of manuscript are REAL Stephen King handwritten manuscript, for Bag of Bones. You can see the famous line “last night I dreamed I went to Manderley again…” and notes to Stephen’s personal assistant Marsha DeFilippo (and a page number stamped at the top: cool!)
Page 5 I watched “The Shining” with Jojo before this issue, and the images are inspired from the Overlook.
“Huh-yooge” from “Lisey’s Story”. I loved Lisey’s Story… and yet… how can one book give us SO many cringe-worthy new words: words like “smuck” (guess what that stands for…?) in the invisible land of  Boo'ya Moon; and who could forget "bool," "suck oven," "bad-gunky", "sowista": the words all have meanings (sort of…), e.g. Scrid (scrap), incuncabilla or incunk (literary studiers), rungut, sink-pig, suck-oven…
I also added in all kids of excessive adverbiage with the help of “On Writing”
Page 6 I like Jojo’s signs around the pool and in the pool of people swimming with leech monsters: our local pools have little pictograms (“Don’t dive in or you will hit your head and bleed into the water”) some of which are pretty funny, and look like “Danger: Eels!” or as my kids say, “If you’re a queen, don’t fall in the water or eels will attack you.”
This is the allegory or the metaphor about the author facing his mortality/reality/greatest fear every day, and anything less is to betray his art (facing the Tiger every day). Stephen King has a swimming pool at his house down the street, and this is how we imagined it.
Page 7 panel 1 alright, the sewer grate is not really there, but c’mon, shouldn’t it be?
Panel 2 and 3 Our first introduction to reporter Hally Scion (Hacx) and her friend private investigator Cyrus X. (Ax) (his tag says private investigator) Hally’s look is based on awesome French meteorologist (from Le Grand Journal) and actress Doria Tillier.
Panel 4 you can see the spider-clown in the background.
Page 8 Panel 1 Oh no! Not the crumpled paper schtick again?! I love the joke in American Werewolves where he has the bad dream and the nurse wakes him up… till we realize it’s actually just an even worse dream (within a dream)!!!
Panel 2 the sewer/storm drain grate at Kenduskeag Stream Park. It’s all in ruins now, at the site of this old mill (at Lover’s Leap). The actual layout is partly changed for artistic fun.
Couldn’t resist the George Kirby joke again “Deadly rapids? Nah, Schvimming allowed!”
Panel 3 this is our boat, with the skid plate on the bottom, and the Kenduskeag Stream Race stickers on the sides. The water conduit is a little higher upstream (flour mill dam) and people kayak through it when it’s high enough.
“John + Cloddi”
Page 9 lots of bad sex jokes here… King does sometimes seem to want to prove “his pen-is mightier” and often gives the middle-aged male characters (mostly writers) great sexual feats and prowess, so of course I here he is having oral sex with a giant leech. I did not explain these naughty jokes to Jojo, by the way: I just quietly put them in after his drawings. We also see the gems that come streaming out of his pen (almost moaning out): these are all examples from from “On Writing”. Uncle Stevie has some weird obsession with plums in this great little book: “Just remind yourself that rocks explode, Jane transmits, mountains float, and plums deify.” What the what?
I also tried to incorporate all his examples of really bad metaphors, similes, and images, but some of these are ones he calls his favorite similes (and some are my own)… it’s a little like when a wine expert tells you how immaculate one wine is, while another would not pass for dog vinegar… oh well…:
She fought me like a tiger, and I ran like a madman. . .
She was pretty as a summer day, long blonde hair spilling ruinously over her subglacial volcanic mountain range: the dame was one hot ticket.
In the tilted alley where I cried my mother’s name from my angry lesbian breast, I lit a cigarette that tasted like Raymond Chandler’s handkerchief.
All through dinner, I agonized with zestful anticipation over the moment
I would sweep her onto my mining ship, and into my zestful embrace…
Page 10 panel 1 Oh No! He got me again with the crumple crump joke!
Panel 2 dancing shadow man! I LOVE dancing shadow man. He just appeared on a page me and my youngest were drawing on, and we knew he had to be in the story! This is, of course, Derek: Of course Derek would saunter and pose and sashay instead of walking. (and yes, people do line up, all summer and much of the Winter, to see and photograph the Kings’ house.

Page 11 panel 1 ah, but who is this really, in the window, looking down at the crowd at Stephen King’s house… it’s not Stephen. Just a worker (maybe a decoy, to make people think he’s there…).
Panel 3 Derek knows this and walks somewhere else, a few blocks away…
Page 12 panel 1 
this is Stephen and Tabby’s first real apartment in Bangor: it was in a pretty rough part of town, and it has been torn down now for a few years.
Panel 1 is what we see: Panel 2 is what Derek sees: a strange purple energy radiates from the house. The little combination lock says “Thumb Scan”
Panel 3 “Welcome Home” is another call back to the Tower, and to Stan’s old Insane Asylum at Dunning. This flyer is from Oriental Jade Restaurant in Bangor. That restaurant was featured in the Novel “It” where the dinner attacks the Losers. We also see the flyer for Cheap Booze from issue 5, as a reminder that Stephen King was an amazing success story/rescue/survivor of drug and alcohol abuse, and he may just be right on the edge again with the wave of badness coming his way fast.
Panel 4 Much younger Derek “Knick-Knick”-ing again.
Panel 5 I always thought a JW trying to get in the front door in a novel or story, should just say “Jehovah’s!” Steve asks if he is the infamous Land Shark, played by Chevy Chase in Season one of SNL.
Page 13 panel 2 Yes, this is the famous apartment where Steve and Tabby moved when Steve’s novel “Carrie” sold to Doubleday in april 1973 (he got $2500 in advance of royalties). They were living in a trailer park out the road when the got the news by telegram (because they had no phone…) they then moved to Bangor (Tabby says they got evicted from the trailer). Then, wow, in May the book rights were sold to NAL for $400,000, while they were living in the Sanford Apartment.
Panel 3 crow flying in on Jojo’s bizarre landscape…
Panel 4 Daemon is just scarier than demon…
Page 14 This is my favorite map I made: Maine always looks like a daemon to me. Jojo used to call Canada “Canadia”, so we called Maine “Mania”, Portland “Portlandia”, and Boston “Bostonia”. (Providence, Rhode Island is, of course, better known by its real name “Lovecraftia”.) “Bah Habor” is as popular among Mainers as it is to tourists.
This page explains about the bad places (the hellmouths) and their associated nearby “Safe-spots”.
Panel 3 shows all 7 spots, 5 in the us, 1 in the middle east, one in Japan (and remember, one of the fated 1611 Bibles is hiding at each portal…).
Panel 4 shows some of the US cities harboring convergence points (and safe-spots).
The one from Sunnydale, CA is of course buffy the Vampire Slayer’s extremely unlucky hometown (featuring the welcome sign from the show, as well as the map of the area.
Page 15 Panel 1 “Dear God I could use a drink…” from “The Shining”, in my mind King’s greatest book of them all: so alive, so whimsical…
Panel 2 sums up the whole background plot nicely. This is Carl Bobson, in the water with the leeches (or possibly in Leviathan’s mouth...)
Panel 4 Write? Right! (why “BEAK” pencils? I have no idea…) but Stephen’s back home on West Broadway now.
Page 16 panel 1 Jojo did an awesome job, transforming a corgi, the cutest animal in all dogdome, into a horrifying leech-dog monster… this is the Kings’ OLD dog, before Frodo. “staring Zestfully…”
Back Inner Sleeve Panel 1 what the?! No way! This was all in his writer’s imagination too?
Panel 2 Spider clown is here! (shadow man too…)
Don’t turn ON the light, cause he doesn’t want to see the nightmares that are waiting there, for him to write down (for us!)
Back Cover so this back cover is like one of those Amazon Book Pages, where the book cover is splayed open, with a “Look Inside!” button: inside the cover shows the dedication, handwritten by Stephen King to Derek Frost: this is King’s actual signature, but I tried to forge the dedication in his handwriting.
The story is called “My Lover, My Leech”7. It’s a parody of the Twilight Books by Stephenie Meyer. King’s name is Stephen Edwin King, or “Stephen E. King”, strangely similar to Stephen-ie Meyer”, so this is a new pseudonym King writes under.  As you may know, for some reason, Stephen King took a King-sized disliking to the Twilight books8, 9. Why? I have no clue, especially given the very similar books that he loves and the authors he heaps praise on: is there really such a big difference between J.K. Rowling and Stephenie Meyer? ". "The real difference is that Jo Rowling is a terrific writer and Stephenie Meyer can't write worth a darn. She's not very good…” This seemed pretty mean, so I made up a bunch of critics’ cover blurbs; books these days all seem to get very similar “exciting” blurbs, using the same breathless hyperbole you see on all supernatural stories: “Terror, terror, and terror… and KISSING!” (p.s. I LOVED the last Twilight movie, with the big battle with the Volturi: strong!)
First I thought we deserved some of those hysterical “24/7 terror… from start to finish!” type blurbs. These are on every new book, and they’re actually exhausting to even look at! Then when it was time for the mandatory famous-author blurb-section for this fictional Stephen E. Meyer Twilight Book, Uncle Stevie decided to write them all himself, in the voices of his many MANY author characters. Stephen King makes writers the protagonist in about every other book he writes (I count more than 12 authors as main characters so far…) . Of course, right off the bat, you have to start with a blurb from “the late Richard Bachman”. The joke here is that this is an actual pen name king used for years, writing many awesome stories under that name, secretly. When someone finally figured out that it was him, King killed off his Bachman persona: “Dickie died early of cancer of the pseudonym,”10 and in his novel “The Dark Half”, king not only writes a story basically about the mysterious pseudonym ghost writer, he dedicates the book to his fictitious alter ego: “I’m indebted to the late Richard Bachman for his help and inspiration. This novel could not have been written without him.” (These reviews are all “damning with faint praise”, or sounding good, but really putting down the book.)
1)So the first blurb is by Richard Bachman (DECD) (ripping on his creator, of course…)
2)In the King short story “Rest Stop”, an author named John Dykstra writes action stories under the name “Rick Hardin” a tough guy himself, like Jack Reacher. Another actual pseudonym is “John Swithen” (a name he used to publish a short story in a men’s magazine in 1972)
3) Jack Torrance, from The Shining, of course, with a critical-reviewer’s parody of his “dull boy” mantra.
4) Bill Denbrough, from “It”, and a parody of his (way too oft) repeated speech therapy line “He thrusts his fists against the post, and still insists he sees the ghost” (so embarrassing, such a lame device, so unrealistic) so I parodied the famous (apochryphal) Stepehen King meme where a kid writes “Fuck you Stephen King ^_^ “ on Facebook, and Stepeh King writes back “Well Fuck You Too, Kid” and gets 19 trillion likes.
5) Mike Noonan, the lead character in Bag of Bones is a writer, of course, and the title of the book is from Thomas Hardy’s famous line: "The most brilliantly drawn character in a novel is but a bag of bones".
6) John Rothstein in “Finders, Keepers”, is a famous literary author (a mix of Philip Toth, Salinger and Updike)… but the book itself is an old-fashioned detective novel, like a Mike Hammer story, where the (way too oft) repeated catch-phrase is “Shit don’t mean Shit”… so theyah! The next in the series was “End of Watch”.

1) https://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-hidden-meanings-of-yin-and-yang-john-bellaimey  “The yin, the dark swirl, is associated with shadows, femininity, and the trough of a wave; the yang, the light swirl, represents brightness, passion and growth.” (but the design has also been used in many other cultures (Korea, Tibet, European Pre-historic cultures, etc.) )
2) The Barking Foundation:
"The Barking Foundation is a private, non-profit foundation that provides grants for accredited post-secondary education of meritorious State of Maine residents, based on their demonstrated financial need. Scholarships are awarded in the spring of each year and they vary in number from year to year." (From the Barking Foundation Website)
5) from Conan O’Brien’s show, 2005 “I was on a book tour and I was on my way home…the plane started to pull away from the gate…and then it pulls back in. The door opens again and Ronald McDonald gets on the airplane. He’s fully dressed [and] sits down next to me – because I attract weirdness, I’m a weirdness magnet – here he is orange hair, orange shoes, the whole nine yards. He sits down next to me – this is years ago – plane takes off, ‘no smoking’ light goes off, he pulls out a pack of Kents, lights up and he orders a gin and tonic from the stewardess…I said the only thing I could think of, ‘Where did you come from?’ He says, ‘McDonaldland’, which is a real place in Chicago.
6) http://entertainment.time.com/2009/11/09/stephen-king-on-his-10-longest-novels/slide/dreamcatcher-2001/  I’d never really read a story about something terrible happening revolving around bathroom functions, eliminatory functions. And I wanted to do that because it just occurred to me that so much of the really terrible news we get in our lives, we get in the bathroom. Either because we discover a lump or because there’s blood in our stool or even when you look in the mirror and all at once you say, “S___ man, I’m going bald!” All those things happen in the bathroom. Half of really scaring people is getting them in a place that’s undefended. Nobody’s as defenseless as they are in the bathroom, with their pants down.
6) Ax and Hacx talk about their nicknames, from an upcoming issue of Ax and Hacx:
Ax: “That’s funny: my auntie looked like Halle Berry and my uncle was a cool-looking white dude… and he gave me my first Ax…!
We don’t see stan’s face, just his sweatshirt or red shoes
Hacx: “In Kindergarten?!
Ax: “no, crazy girl. 7th grade.
Hacx: “Was that a hattori Hanzo blade?
Ax: “Stanley Fatmax  camp ax; polished and tempered. I can still hear him: “Hey, kiddo: who wants to make some firewood?” Came in real handy that year: my best friend Walt was being mauled by a pit bull… but I dispatched it. Cost me a few fingers, tho!
Hacx: “So you were a hero! And THAT’S where you got the nickname “Ax”!
Ax: “That old ax always felt good in my hand: just fit there. But that’s not where I got the name… I got the name in High School…
Hacx: “I got my nickname in High School too. We moved out of Rosedale park when they/ we found our neighbor dead in the weeds. My aunt said everything smelled like deadness after that…, so we moved to Sherwood Forest
Ax: “To steal from the rich and give to the poor?”
Hacx: “To get away from the smell of death. I planted Hyacinths all over Sherwood Forest for my Aunt (*Odor profile: intensely oily-green and intoxicating floral note of great depth.) 
Ax: “Ah! So “Hacx” is for “Hyacinth?”
Hacx: “You funny fellow… At Mumford High School, I wrote all the time: for the school paper * the Mercury, the year book *(the Capri)…, for the morning For instance, I did an investigative piece on how the Principal drove a Maserati to school every day… news
(we see weekly article with principal getting out of Maserati: by Hally Scion”)
Ax: “I get it: so they called you “Hacx” like the “hacks” who write books or articles on very short deadlines, basically on demand?
Hacx: “Silly twisted boy: I kept planting flowers everywhere…
Ax: “Ah… so, Hacx is from Hyacinth
Hacx: “You jokester… You know how nicknames are…
We see ax wearing axel foley mumford tshirt, but can’t see whole words
Ax: “do I ever! I went Henry Ford High School, and in Junior year we were studying Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale, and Malcom X. The Black Panthers used to give free breakfast to kids, and I was busing tables at a nice restaurant where they threw away tons of food. So I started bringing leftovers from the restaurant for the really poor kids who waited around outside school a couple hours before the doors opened each day: rolls, sausages, Canadian bacon. There was no food equity in Brightmoor: no access to healthy, unprocessed foods for miles: just convenience stores. Henry Ford High School was a sinking ship: kids sitting around for hours doing nothing; teachers not even showing up; we never even got our own books to bring home! Luckily, my art teacher brought me to the Brightmoor craftsman’s guild and showed me how to throw clay: they had flowers everywhere. They taught us how to grow orchids, how to develop photos, how to cook… And they had real jazz music there every day: not that fake stillborn staged Hollywood damien chiznit. For some reason, these guys really CARED.
Hacx: “About what?
Ax: “About one nobody-kid’s life… So I brought other nobodies, and we all did something, every day. In senior year, we helped everybody fill out college applications, and helped them close the deal and graduate! I guess that’s when some kids started calling me “Cyrus X, or “C.X.”, or just “X”.
Hacx: “wait wait wait… are you trying to tell me your name “Ax” has NOTHING to do with your shiny Stanley Hand-Axe?
Ax: “Silly twisted girl
Hacx: “hold the phone: Henry Ford High School is just about 5 miles away from Mumford High School, just down 8 Mile Rd. And you expect me to believe the name “Ax” had NOTHING to do with Mumford High’s most famous alumnus Axel Foley? Detroit’s greatest Detective?
Hacx: “Foley… So you had no idea the guy who made Beverly Hills Cop, Jerry Bruckheimer* pirates of the Caribbean , Top Gun, etc., went to Mumford High School?
7) alternate titles I was considering for the book:
To love the leach
For love of leeches
Living with the leech
Blood-sucking teenage creatures in love/lust!
My lover, my leech
Leech, be my lover
8)  https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/stephen-king-blasts-twilight-hunger-635600 Speaking about Twilight, King said that the books are "really not about vampires and werewolves. They're about how the love of a girl can turn a bad boy good." Still, the 65-year-old opted to read the latest buzzy titles out of a professional interest. "I read Twilight and didn't feel any urge to go on with her.
9)  https://www.theguardian.com/books/2009/feb/05/stephenking-fiction King compared the Mormon author to JK Rowling, saying that both authors were "speaking directly to young people". "The real difference is that Jo Rowling is a terrific writer and Stephenie Meyer can't write worth a darn. She's not very good," he told an interviewer from USA Weekend.
10) The Complete Stephen King Universe: A Guide to the Worlds of Stephen King
By Stanley Wiater, Christopher Golden, Hank Wagner

Disclaimer: I am fully aware of just how Zimsky this is: writing down all these sources and inspirations and references for… well, for posterity. I know nobody is probably going to read this, and even less people will care: Well Theyah!

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